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It’s easy for kids to get into a “school slump” when the weather warms, state tests wrap up and the final weeks of school start to fly by. The final report card period can be a tough time for students to remain focused, but there are still the last projects and exams to focus on. It’s not over yet! With our easy tips, you can help your child finish strong!

1. Make a Plan.
Use a calendar to map out all of the big assignments coming up for school including final projects and exams. Keep a pen or marker handy so kids can mark off these items when complete. Kids will feel accomplished as they overcome the hurdles between now and summer break! You can even use the calendar as a countdown to the final school bell.

2. Ask “What If?”
Help your kids understand the effects of slacking during the final report card. Ask questions like “What would happen if you fail this test?” to help them learn that slacking on one test or assignment could have long-term effects like harming their overall grade or class standing.

3. Know Where Your Child Stands.
Review previous report cards and assignments to pinpoint areas for improvement. Now is also a great time to check in with your child’s teacher. Ask about where your child stands and get input on areas that need focus. If you want to gain a more in-depth look at where your child stands academically and to ensure they’re on track for the next school year, Sylvan Learning offers an Insight Assessment. Contact your local Sylvan to schedule an assessment in reading, math or writing!

4. Give Incentives or Rewards.
Does your child have a big exam coming up? Reward him or her for studying all week with a trip to the park or local ice cream shop on the weekend. For older kids and teens, reward them with a ride to the mall or movies with their friends.

5. Stick to your Routine.
You’ve spent the entire school year getting your child into a routine and now is not the time to deviate. Yes, the days are getting longer and the weather is getting nicer, but if your child has a 9:30 p.m. bedtime and 6:30 a.m. wake-up call, keep these in place through the end of the year. This will help your child stay in the school mindset until summer break begins.

confidence student finishing the year strong

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