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Parenting is the most difficult job you will ever have and, while trying to do your very best at all times, you will make mistakes. We all do. Every. Single. Day.

We learn as we go. As the new school year begins, we thought we’d share some simple thought starters when it comes to school and schoolwork, so you can avoid making common mistakes.

1. Don’t Over Schedule.

Setting kids up for not one but four or five activities a week is way too much, especially for those first few years of full-day school. Kids need a break, big time. Downtime is fine, necessary and needed. And although we all want our kids to be well-rounded, happy young human beings, there’s no research that says kids need to be busy 24/7 in order to live fulfilled lives.

2. Avoid Being Too Hands-Off.

All kids—though they may need a break after they get home from school—want their parents to play an active role in their lives. They want to tell parents about their day. They need parents to help them process the good parts of their day and their more challenging parts.

Kids need to learn from a parent how to properly manage homework. Although we want to teach independence, certainly at the beginning of the year, kids need parents to offer some upfront support to help with the transition. Ask questions, talk through what’s expected, sit near them, help them through assignments and help them plan for upcoming projects. Even older kids—middle and high school—need some monitoring at the beginning! Children carry heavy workloads, and time management is extremely difficult for many of them.

Be confident in your ability to support your child. Remember that parents are their child’s first teachers! You taught your little ones how to eat, sleep, walk and talk, so it’s natural and normal for you to continue helping and teaching your child grow into a self-sufficient student!

3. Not Communicating With Teachers.

Success in school is a partnership between parents and teachers. Teachers need parents’ help in order to most effectively reach children, and parents need teachers’ help in order to most effectively parent their children. It must be a two-way street, and children need to know this.

And because of that, parents need to know that it is OK, permissible, encouraged and embraced when parents reach out to teachers. There doesn’t have to be a reason—it can be a quick check-in now and again. Just ask how the child is doing and if there is anything the parent can do to help the teacher in the classroom or the student at home.

It’s easy and simple, and the teacher will be grateful. If you make it clear from the outset that you view your child’s teacher as a partner, together you’re a solid team supporting your child!

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